7 Superfoods that Boost the Immune System


A lot of different factors determine the state of our health. The genes we inherit from our parents, the food we choose to eat on a daily basis, our sleep patterns, the amount of exercise we get each week— all these factors combine together to control and maintain the condition of our health.

Another important factor is our immune system. The stronger our immune system is, the better we are able to protect ourselves against certain illnesses.

Our immune system is something that we have some control over. Though, to a certain extent, the immune system is influenced by our genes, we can still make it stronger by consuming the kind of foods that boost our immune system.

Due to its extremely beneficial properties, these foods are known as superfoods in the world of health and nutrition.

Mentioned below are seven of those superfoods that boost the immune system and help protect against various health threats.          


Garlic has so many benefits that it has been nicknamed as the ‘King of the Superfoods’.

Containing lots of antioxidants and compounds such as allicin— something that has a heavy concentration of sulphur— garlic not only makes a body’s natural ability to fight diseases even stronger but also helps in lowering cholesterol.

Though consuming raw garlic is the best way to enjoy its benefits, if you find its flavour too strong, you can use it as an ingredient in your food.

It will also bring an extra zing to your favourite home-cooked meals.

Citrus fruits

Vitamin C is known to increase the production of white blood cells in our body, which is an important factor when it comes to fighting infections.

Hence, it supports the immune system and helps in making it stronger. And where can you find Vitamin C in abundance?

In most citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons, limes, tamarinds, gooseberries, grapefruits, and tangerines are full of Vitamin C.

Along with being the best foods that boost the immune system, these fruits are also very tasty and refreshing.

An important point to note is that our body doesn’t produce or store Vitamin C. So, foods that are rich in Vitamin C need to be consumed everyday.        

A glass of freshly squeezed, tasty and healthy orange juice.


Spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients.

It contains various vitamins & minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin K1, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Folic Acid.

Some of these vitamins have a high factor of beta-Carotene and some act as antioxidants, which increases the capability of the immune system to fight infections.

To make sure that spinach retains all its nutritional value when you’re consuming it, it is advisable to keep it undercooked.


Broccoli has Vitamins A, E, and C, and many other antioxidants, which makes it one of the healthiest foods in the food chart.

It also contains fibre which helps in keeping the digestive system working smoothly.

Broccoli is another food that needs to remain undercooked in order for you to get the most benefits out of it.

It has been found that the best way to keep its nutritional value intact is by steaming it before consumption.


Almonds have numerous vitamins that make them a crucial part of a healthy diet. It has Vitamin C which runs to the forefront when your body needs to fight or prevent colds.

But Vitamin E is uber-important when it comes to having a strong immune system and almonds are full of it. This antioxidant supports the immune system and helps the body fight numerous illnesses.

Vitamin E also happens to be a fat-soluble vitamin; which basically means that it requires the presence of fat for it to be absorbed properly by the body.

Plus, almonds have healthy fats that are good for the body.

Crunchy almonds filled with Vitamin E.

Bell Peppers  

Bell Peppers or capsicum, like it is known in India, contains more than thrice of Vitamin C than what can be found in an orange.

And no matter if you choose to eat red, yellow, or green bell peppers, you’ll still reach your daily requirement of Vitamin C.

In fact, chances are, you’ll end up consuming more than the daily requirement.

If you’re looking for foods that help in boosting the immune system, then including bell peppers in your diet is a must.

Bell peppers are also rich in beta-Carotene. Which means that your body will be able to make more Vitamin A. This in turn helps you with having healthy skin and eyes.    


Yogurt is a superfood that needs to be included in your diet. In India, it is known as curd.

In fact, yogurt is so good that it has been advised to have it everyday, if possible.

Yogurt contains probiotics that are known to reduce inflammation, which is connected to various health conditions such as stomach disorders and viral infections.  

Also, minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium are present in yogurt which help in keeping the immune system healthy.