9 Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

Breastfeeding tips that would help you in your breastfeeding journey.

9 Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

To an outsider, breastfeeding might seem like the easiest thing in the world. And for many people it might be true.

Yet, to many new mothers, breastfeeding is something that they struggle with. Believe us when we say, there’s no shame in it.

Breastfeeding might be considered natural, but that does not mean that it has to come naturally to each and every one of us.

Breastfeeding for beginners can be quite stressful.

It’s ok to struggle with breastfeeding. It’s ok to feel frustrated. It’s ok to feel like giving up.

And it’s more than ok to ask for help with your breastfeeding journey.

Given below are a few tips for successful breastfeeding—                                  

1. Post-birth, breastfeed as soon as you can.

Childbirth can be gruesome. It takes a toll on your physical and mental health, and the first few days can be a bit foggy.

However, breastfeeding newborn babies is incredibly important. So, if possible, you must feed the baby as soon as you can post-birth.

A newborn struggles to stay awake about two hours after being born. So, feeding your newborn baby soon is advisable.

In addition to the factor of time, the colostrum that’s produced right after childbirth has very high nutritional value.

If you breastfeed after birth, it would be very beneficial to your baby.      

A newborn baby lying down on her mother's chest.

2. Support the baby’s feet.

When it comes to breastfeeding tips, this is a simple but important one.

Support your baby’s feet while breastfeeding. It makes them feel secure. When they feel secure, they would nurse more willingly.

You can keep a cushion below their feet. Or keep their feet propped up at the arm of an armchair.

As long as their feet are touching something, they feel safe and secure enough to continue drinking milk.        

3. Make sure to get a good latch.

For a baby to be able to breastfeed properly, it is important for her to have a good latch.

And in order for the baby to have a good latch, a good breastfeeding position is vital.

Remember that all babies are different. What worked for someone else might not work for you and your baby.

Try different positions and find the ones that work best for you and your baby.

You can also use a nursing pillow. This would help in better positioning of the baby and you’ll end up with a good latch for breastfeeding.            

A mother breastfeeding her baby. 

4. Maintain a healthy diet.

A breastfed baby gets most of her nutrition from breast milk. So, it is important for you to maintain a healthy diet.

Maintaining a healthy diet is also paramount for you to stay healthy.

Try to include everything— fruits, vegetables, seeds & nuts, dairy products, meat, sea food, grains & millets — in your diet.

Also, breastfeeding a baby burns a lot of calories. So, you would need to increase your calorie-intake if you are breastfeeding your baby.

The calorie-count needs to be increased if you are breastfeeding more than one baby. Or if you are exercising a few times a week.        

5. Don’t stress about the baby's weight.

Monitor your baby’s weight but don’t compare it with other babies. It would only cause unnecessary stress.

Remember that each child is different. They would gain weight differently. Just because they are of the same age doesn’t mean that they would weigh the same.

As long as they are gaining weight steadily, even if it is not that substantial in your eyes, or in other people’s eyes, it is fine.

However, if a baby seems to gain or lose too much weight within a short period of time, then it is a case of concern.

If something like this happens, then you must consult your baby’s doctor immediately.      

A newborn baby being weighed.

6. Figure out your baby’s appetite.

Friends, relatives, even strangers might give you advice about how much milk you are supposed to feed your child.

The truth is that your baby may not drink the same amount of milk as another baby, even if their weight and size is the same.

So, don’t get worried if they seem to drink a little less or way more milk than their peers.

If your baby seems to be gaining weight steadily and is a healthy baby otherwise, then you don’t really need to start looking for breastfeeding tips for producing more milk.            

7. Check for tongue ties.

Some babies have tongue ties that make it hard for them to suckle milk from the breast. When this happens, the baby might be underfed and remain hungry.

This can even lead to weight loss. So, how do you know if your baby has a tongue tie?

One of the first markers of a tongue tie in babies is a poor latch. Your baby can have a poor latch if the position while breastfeeding is not proper.

Also, if the latch looks great but you experience pain when the baby nurses, then it is not a great latch.

When this happens, you can contact a lactation consultant who would help you find a solution for the problem.

In most cases, tongue ties get resolved on its own as the baby grows.

Surgery is suggested as a last resort when a tongue tie is too severe and the baby is having serious consequences as a result.  

A baby showing his tongue to his dad. 
Website - wizardwork.net; Instagram - @wizardworklt; Blog - twosidesblog.com
A baby with her tongue out.

8. Prevent blocked milk ducts.

Clogged milk ducts are caused due to inflammation in the blood vessels and tissue around the milk ducts. This can happen if you skip feeding or pumping sessions.

Massaging the clogged area gently can help in opening it up.

Warming up the clogged area with a warm wash-cloth, using a heating pad and taking a hot shower— all these things help with finding relief from clogged milk ducts.

You can also try to feed your baby more frequently.

However, if the baby refuses to drink according to your timeline, you can simply pump the milk and store it for later.

Doing this would also help in avoiding painful, engorged breasts.  

9. Create a Nursing Station.

Breastfeeding is a great time for you to bond with your baby. It is a time for you to sit back and relax while your little bundle of joy enjoys her meal.

At the same time, for many women, breastfeeding can be quite exhausting— physically and mentally, both.

In order to make the breastfeeding experience as positive as you possibly can, it is advisable that you create a ‘nursing station’.

Equip this nursing station with a comfortable chair, a table, burp clothes, a breastfeeding pillow, nursing pads, water, snacks, your cell phone, books, magazines and anything else that would make things more convenient for you and your little one.

If you choose to breastfeed in your own bed, then create a space that is comfortable for both you and your baby.

You would also need to have plenty of water and snacks nearby because breastfeeding makes you thirsty and hungry.      

A cozy little nursing station.

Breastfeeding is portrayed as the most natural thing in the world. But in reality, for many women around the world, it is something that takes time to get used to.

At first you might feel like it’s all too much. It is very normal to feel like that. You can choose to feed infant formula milk if you want to.

But, if you really want to breastfeed your baby for a certain period of time. Don’t lose hope.

You can take a break and try again. You need to know that there’s help available.

You can speak to your doctor, a lactation specialist, or your experienced family members and other mommy-friends whenever you need help with breastfeeding.

You can also go through the aforementioned breastfeeding tips for first-time moms and make your breastfeeding journey smooth.

Like they say, “It takes a village”.                                

A beautiful spot for a picnic, and our son thought so too - though he only had milk on his mind.
A woman breastfeeding her baby while camping in the woods.

Some Common Questions about Breastfeeding

What is the 5 rule for breastfeeding?

The 5/5/5 rule states that breastmilk can be stored safely in the freezer for five months. It can be stored in the fridge safely for five days.

And at room temperature (25° C/ 77° F), it stays edible for five hours.                

What is the golden hour of breastfeeding?

The first hour after childbirth is considered to be the golden hour for breastfeeding.

One of the reasons is that this is the time when the baby is wide awake.

Why? Because, labour is stressful for your baby too. Right after birth, a baby has high levels of  stress hormones like cortisone and adrenaline.

Another reason for breastfeeding at the golden hour is that that is when nutrient-rich colostrum is produced by your body.

How do I know when the baby is full?

Signs that your baby is full— She turns her face away from the breast or bottle, her hands/fists seem to be relaxed, she keeps her mouth closed and refuses to open it when you offer a breast or a bottle.

Is a 10 minute feed long enough for a newborn?

Newborn babies often take about 10-15 minutes on each breast while nursing. Older babies take about 5-10 minutes of each breast.

It is very normal for the nursing time to vary from child to child.

The time a baby takes to breastfeed may keep changing over time as they go through the various stages of physical, mental and emotional development.

A woman breastfeeding her baby in bed. 

At what age should breastfeeding stop?

For the first year of your baby’s life, breastmilk and/or infant formula should be your baby’s main source of nutrition.

It is recommended that the baby needs to be exclusively breastfed, or be given infant formula exclusively for the first six months of her life.

Doctors usually advise that you keep breastfeeding your baby till the age of two years. Or if they are on infant formula, you can continue it for two years.

When should you introduce solids to your baby?

Once the baby reaches the age of six months, you can start giving your baby a variety of mashed up boiled solid foods. You can also feed the baby certain fruits and millets.

Start introducing one or two types of food in a week. Don’t force your baby to eat solids if she does not want to.

Keep trying and let her explore the food with her hands. This would be helpful in generating her interest in the food you serve her.            

What are the signs of good attachment or a good latch for breastfeeding?

Signs of a good latch—

a. You and baby, both are relaxed and comfortable.

b. Baby’s chin is touching the breast.

c. The baby’s mouth opens wide and surrounds your areola along with the nipple.

d. You don’t experience any pain during breastfeeding.

e. The baby’s lips are turned outward.

f. The baby is positioned in a way that her head is straight and not turned to the side. Her chest and stomach rest against your body.                      

How much milk can a breast hold at a time?

The amount of milk that is contained in the breasts at a time varies from woman to woman. It can range between 75 ml. to 610 ml. in each breast.