9 Safety Tips for River Rafting

River rafting can be a lot of fun. For some people, it can even be a life-changing experience.

In the summer months, when mercury shoots up like a rocket, many long to spend their time in the water, having the time of their lives.

The best thing about river rafting is that it doesn’t matter if you are completely new to this activity, all are welcome.

You don’t need to have extensive experience in water sports in order to go for white water rafting and have a great time.

There are certain river rafting safety measures that you need to pay heed to while river rafting. Those are as follows—      

1. Wear a life jacket.

This is a no brainer but you must wear a life jacket at all times while river rafting.

You need to make sure that you put the life jacket on correctly. It should be fitted in a way that you are able to breathe normally.

At the same time, it should be tight enough that it doesn’t get pulled over your head; in case you fall in the water.

It is best to ask your river rafting guide to fit the life jacket on you correctly.  

A group of people having fun while white water rafting.

2. Choose the right clothes.

When it comes to river rafting safety tips, this is something that doesn’t get much attention.    

However, you must remember to pick the right clothes when you go for a river rafting trip.

In early spring or late autumn, when the weather is not that hot, wearing a wetsuit, splash jacket and river shoes that give good grip should be enough.

During summers when the temperatures can get pretty high in many places, wearing quick drying polypropylene-fabric clothes should suffice.

Don’t forget to wear some sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses with UV protection.    

3. Use protective gear.

There are certain protective gear that can be used to remain safe during river rafting. Wearing a helmet is a must.

Wearing river shoes is also highly advisable. These shoes have good grip and are very useful during river rafting expeditions.

Many river rafting companies provide all the gear needed for rafting.

If you don’t have your own gear, you can select a rafting company that provides all the necessary gear for rafting.    

People having the time of their lives while river rafting.

4. Contact a licensed rafting operator.

One of the best ways to stay safe while river rafting is to choose a rafting company very carefully.

You can verify if the rafting operator is a licensed one or not. Choose an operator who has all the necessary licences and permissions.

Whenever possible, choose a river rafting guide who has extensive experience in leading river rafting adventurers.      

5. Don’t fall off.

In a list of river rafting tips, this is something that is very obvious. But, it’s still getting mentioned here.

Do not fall off! Hold on tight.

It seems like the simplest of things.

However, when the water currents are crashing onto your raft, and the raft is getting bounced around, it might get a bit hard to stay onboard.

If you do find yourself in the river and see that you are not too far from the raft, then grab your raft immediately.

If it’s not possible to grab your raft, then you can look around for other feasible options of saving yourself.

You can try to get onboard another raft or boat. You can also swim to the riverbank if it is nearby.

River rafters trying their best not to fall off the raft.

6. Handle the oars properly.

There’s a proper technique for holding and handling the river rafting oars. Learn this technique from the river rafting instructor and follow it to a T. Pun intended.

While rafting, you would need to keep one hand at the base of the oar, on the shaft.  And the other hand should be at the end of the shaft over the ‘T’ grip.

7. Listen to your instructor carefully.

All river rafters need to go through a training session where they are provided with all the information, knowledge and instructions needed to go river rafting safely.

In order to stay safe while river rafting, it is important that you follow your river rafting guide’s instructions carefully, at all times.

There are many commands that you’ll hear while you go down the river, make sure that you memorise all these commands and their meanings.

This way, you’ll know what to do in any situation.  

River rafters following the instructions of their river rafting instructor.

8. Learn all the swimming techniques.

Swimming in the pool is very different from swimming in a river with strong currents and big rocks.

Learn the correct swimming techniques that can be useful while treading rushing waters.

If you happen to fall off from the raft while rafting, then these swimming techniques will come in handy.

9. Don’t panic.

We know, it’s easier said than done. But, don’t panic if you fall off the raft.

When something like this happens, just remember your rafting instructor’s words and follow the steps that are useful in such a situation.

A group of people in a yellow raft.

Use the above- mentioned safety tips for river rafting and have a great time.