

The Old Typewriter has been created by someone who’s been in love with the written word since she learnt her ABCs. Working as a content writer for a few years now, she felt like it was time for her to have her own website where she could write about the things that she’s interested in. Which is, pretty much EVERYTHING! So, on this website, you’ll find blogs related to a wide variety of genres.

You may think, why the name ‘The Old Typewriter’ when we’re living in the Golden Age of ever-progressing technology? Because, it takes us to the roots and reminds us of humble beginnings. Reminds us of a time when it became convenient for writers to write long-form content like stories, essays, novels and long letters. Since then, we’ve come a long way when it comes to the technology used by writers. But still, to this day, we read books, timeless classics that were written using a simple piece of now-redundant machinery— a typewriter.  

The Old Typewriter has been created using the latest technology but it carries the same love for words, stories and narrations that motivated and drove people to keep clacking away at a typewriter.